Cables, coils, magnets

The Nucleus 8 (CP1110 series) is a behind-the-ear (BTE) device with a BTE processor, a battery-compartment and a coil with magnet.  Available in 5 colours (Click here for colour palette).

The battery-compartment contains 2 disposable batteries (675 Extra of 675 C) or 1 rechargeable battery. 

The remote assistant lets you view and change the device settings.

Coil + cable (Nucleus system 8)

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"Nucleus 8 Slimline coil"
This is the coil in which the magnet comes.  The magnet must be ordered separately !!!

The cable to the processor is fixed to the coil.

Magnet (Nucleus system 7/8)

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This is the magnet that fits into the coil. Available in several strengths and colours.  Also suitable for use in aqua+ configuration.

Magnet Profile Pus (Nucleus system 7/8)

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"Magnet Profile Plus"
This is the magnet for the Nucleus Profile Plus series implants. Available in several strengths and colours.  Also suitable for use in aqua+ configuration.